Thursday, March 5, 2009

Catch Up

So this week has been absolutely crazy. Work has it's ebbs and flows and this week it is really more than I can handle. My blood pressure feels like it is high, high, high. I've been working late and bringing work home. I just can't seem to get caught up. I have pressure from my boss and then stress related to the economy and managing the fiances at work. Whew, it's overwhelming. I've had to write up staff, not a favorite of mine to do. I need a vacation in the worst way.

On top of that a lump developed under my right breast. I think it's a cyst or an inflamed something or other. I wasn't really to worried about it because I thought I would just watch it and if it was still there next week call the doctor. However, today just happened to be the day for my mammogram. They took 10 boob smashing shots because of that damn lump. I have to go back tomorrow to have it ultrasounded. What a pain in my ass because I'm sure it's nothing. But as Cowboy says, better to get it checked out then have problems later on. He right but still.

Random thought, tomorrow is my original wedding date. If we had stuck with that plan, I would be in Vegas right now and getting married tomorrow. I'm so glad we are waiting to have family around. 23 days and I'm Mrs. Cowboy.

More randomness, Cowboy spent the day with my parents without me. He drove two hours to help my dad for the day and my dad told him how much he enjoyed having him around for the day. I'm thrilled that my parents love him and that he is so good to my parents.

No more Wii talk for awhile, Cowboy is really liking it and suggest we play more than I do. It funny and I love it.


Lynilu said...

Good luck with the lump. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Caroline said...

I hope everything goes OK tomorrow. And I am sure it is nothing, but I am glad you are still having it checked out.

Sorry work is so stressful. At least it's almost the weekend.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about your original wedding date too.
I am very glad you didn't go with your original plan. I would've been very sad not to see my baby sis get married.
Cowboy is a good guy, it's great that he came down & helped dad.
Good luck with the lump and I really hope work gets better for you.
Have a quiet and relaxing weekend.
Love you!

Monogram Queen said...

Best to you on the lump. I hate boob smashing! Have a fab week-end!