Friday, September 10, 2010

Creeping back in...

I can feel the stress creeping back into my body. No! I spent two and 1/2 weeks trying to get rid of stress in my life and three days of work and it's all back. It probably didn't help that I got up and worked from 7:45a to 8p today.

You see, the thing about my job is that I get "punished" when I come back to work because the work just piles up and no one gets to do my job. So not fair. I love what I do and wouldn't change it for the world but it's just not fair that I have tons of work to catch up on.

The one ray of good news is that I hired a team leader that hopefully will take some of the responsibility off my plate and then I won't have so much to do.

But for now, I'm just going to relax this weekend--that's all that I can do.


Lynilu said...

One of the drawbacks about being "da boss." It's too bad you don't have a way of dividing up the responsibility of the most important things with a few of your team, so that at least some of it would be done while you're away. It would cut down on the return stress.

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