Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Moonshine and my dad

My Cowboy seems to get stories out of my dad that I have never heard before in my entire life. Here's the latest one that Cowboy passed on to me as told by my dad:

My grandpa was out in the corn field and was shucking the corn off the stocks. The stocks were set up in shocks. As he was going through the shocks, he found a couple of bottles of moonshine. He started looking around and found several other bottles of moonshine. So he loaded them up in his truck and drove them straight to the sheriffs office. If he had gotten stopped for anything, he could have been thrown in the pokie himself.

Then my dad goes on to Cowboy that he drank a little moonshine himself one time. Apparently on his bowling night, someone brought in a little moonshine and they were taking turns taking swigs out of the glass jar as they were bowling. My dad gets up to bowl and throws a 7-10 split. He turns to the table and takes a drink of that moonshine. He takes a swig and picks up the split, turn around and say, "That's how you do it, take a swig of moonshine and pick up the split."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the things I learn from reading your blog......
Why haven't we heard that before???
Wonder what other secrets dad has..
