Monday, July 20, 2009

An Awesome Day

My sister called early on Friday morning to see if we wanted to go to her farm to pick sweet corn and ride four wheelers. We had a tee time for Saturday so we made plans for Sunday.

Cowboy and I got up and left the house by 8:30a on Saturday morning. We loaded up Sadie and we were off. We met up with both my sisters and my parents and headed out to the farm. She has a huge garden (104 tomato plants) and it goes on from there. They had planted 12 rows of sweet corn about 1/4 of a mile long. We picked a ton of corn.

Here is what we brought home. We gave two dozen ears away and still have enough to fed our whole sub division.

After the corn picking, it was off on the four wheelers. My sisters rode the big one together and I was on the smaller one. I was planning on Cowboy riding with me but he decided not to go. My oldest sister's husband rode his trail bike behind us. We rode through some amazing country side. It was wooded with rivers, creeks, stone walls mixed with fields of corn. We got to one spot when my sister pulled over and said, "I'm taking you by the river. Steer towards the bank and lean to the left." "Oh, yeah, put it in low." and she took off. For a moment, I was a little freaked out. Okay, it was more than a moment and more than a little freaked out. What if I fell off.
I made it through and didn't fall off and didn't wreck. It was fun. When then drove over an ancient wooden bridge that looked like it would fall down at any moment. Next along the river to see a small one room cabin. I could have driven on that trail a 100 more times and not have seen the beauty of it all.
We then went out to eat lunch, then off to the parents and then back home. I worked up all the corn and picked out of our garden and then gave Sadie a bath. Cowboy cleaned the car and changed the oil. We finally sat down for dinner at 9:30p--both exhausted.
We both agreed it was a good day,


Anonymous said...

It was a great day! And the look on your face was priceless when we went on the river trail.
I think we should go back and walk the trail. I saw stuff on the 2nd time through that I didn't notice the 1st time. (Your brother in law almost put me in the river the 2nd time we went down the trail.)
Glad I got to spend some time with my little sisters.

I got my corn done tonight.

Lynilu said...

Family days are the best. It's good to hear that kind of fun.

Caroline said...

The ride on the 4 wheelers sounds like a blast. Glad you had a good time.