Yesterday was a play day. Off to the golf course, we are not going to talk about the really bad day on the course. I lost my swing. Today, was home project day. We got rid of our old gold outdated porch light and went for a more rustic looking lamp. We took the mail box off and spray painted to it to match the light. No more nasty gold on the front of the house! Yeah!!!!
I have also been wanting to paint my bathroom since we have moved in but haven't decided on a color or scheme or anything until now. This is a before picture. The previous owners had the bathroom redone in a very contemporary style. Not our style at all. Textured faux finished wallpaper, tile walls and black marble floor. The light fixture was also not my style at all. It had little glass rods the covered the bulbs. It put out lots of heat.
So do we need to refer to you as "Mrs. VP" now? :)
Your house is looking great. Love the new light in the bathroom.
love it.
I like the new look inside and out. The color in the bathroom is very nice.
He suggested you .... and you let it fly? :D I'm gonna love hearing follow up on this!! LOL!
Oh boy - just don't get involved in any personal vendetta's. That can get ug-ly!
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