Thursday, November 5, 2009

Close Call

So when I got home from Florida, Cowboy picked me up from the airport and asked, " So do you want the good news or the bad news?" 'Bad news.' "C is getting evicted from her apartment and she's moving in with us on Thursday." Oh, welcome home to me.

We have tried this twice. Both time, didn't work out so well. Is the third time supposed to be a charm? I'm so not happy about this.

Last night- Cowboy told me that C will not be moving in with us. She'll be moving in with her mom. Is it wrong of me to be happy about this?

I really won't mind if she were helping herself but she is just expecting everyone to take care of her. Who knows what the future will hold but for now, a close call was avoided.


Caroline said...

I am glad she is going to stay with her Mom. You guys have given her more then enough chances.

Monogram Queen said...

NO it is not wrong to be happy about it at all!!!!!
I will be happy along with you!
People can change but the past tends to make one wary!