Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One Very Good Evening

So tonight Cowboy decided that he needed to redeem himself. He suggested that we go to the golf course after work. Call me a glutton for punishment. Call me crazy. I went. There is a short golf course that you have to walk and it's fun to play if you have the right attitude. So we got there and started on number 10--number 1 was a little backed up. To my surprise, it was a very good night. Mr. "I need Anger Management" was Mr. "I'm really fun to play with". Cowboy was great. He played well and I played fairly well. It was really a fun night. He even agreed that it was fun. I told him that this was the Cowboy that I loved. He reminded me that I love him all the time. I let him know he was probably right but I sure didn't like him sometimes.

He did another really nice thing tonight. His "mom" is coming up this weekend so he called my mom and invited her up also. My mom was thrilled and thought it was so awesome that he called her. I don't think I can describe how much that meant to her. My mom has been a little jealous of Cowboy being in my life. She had me as a single woman for 40 years so when he came along things changed for her. She has to share me, not an easy task for her. He earned huge brownie points today.

I like days like today.

On a side note, I got my wireless connection all set up tonight. No more arguing over who needs the computer.


Caroline said...

Awwwww...I love that Cowboy called and invited our Mom to come up this weekend. How sweet!!! And I am so happy that you guys had a great night playing golf.

Yay for wireless internet.

P.S. Even though it's a little late, I finally got off the phone and wrote it.

Caroline said...

P.S.S. I meant to say that I finally wrote my blog post. (Obviously my mind is somewhere else tonight)

Monogram Queen said...

He's really making inroads with your Mom I bet. I think it's GREAT.