Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Almost done

I get to check one more thing off my list. I found a cake lady who is excited to make a wedding cake in March. As I'm finding out, there are not many weddings in March so most people are anxious to get business. I'm meeting with her tomorrow night and deciding all the details. She can even make a "groom's cake" that is German chocolate. The big trick will if she can put a putting green on the cake.

I asked Cowboy if he wanted to go with me. He said that he was confident that I could make all those decisions by myself. He was also sure that I was having more fun with the details then he would. He is so right.

My mom called this morning and said she was feeling bad that she wasn't helping more with the wedding. I told her that there would be lots to do and she wouldn't get out of it all. I feel like there should be a lot more to do but I really think that I'm getting close to being done. Let's hope.


Lynilu said...

You're doing really good at getting things in order way ahead of time. I'm impressed! There will be some last minute details that go sproing! But you'll have less being so on top of it now.

Caroline said...

I love wedding cake!!!! I am glad that you have found someone to make the cake for you. Do you get to try some cake tonight?

Can you believe that in just a few months you will be married? How exciting.

Monogram Queen said...

Yippee! Just make a list and check it twice...