I want to capture our wedding story. I don't have pictures yet...well just a few that I will post with the story. But I want to capture the story so I can remember every little bit.
Thursday, Cowboy and I spent the day cleaning the house and working in the yard. I love doing yard work so that was pretty relaxing. Around 7p, we left for the airport to pick up Sharon and Larry. Sharon has been my best friend since 1984 when we pledged the same sorority in college. I couldn't imagine having a wedding without her.
We all went out to eat at the Texas Roadhouse and had a great dinner. Cowboy and Larry haven't really spent much time together but I knew they would be together a lot this weekend so I was hoping that things would go well. We got home and just relaxed. Sharon and I watched Grey's Autonomy and Private Practice and then it was off to bed for all of us.
During all this time, we were on weather watch. The weather man was predicting snow and rain mix with temperatures in hovering around 32 to 34. Really. I was torn between wanting to know what was going on and wanting to be completely ignorant of the weather.
Friday morning started with a phone call from Mildale Farm, our wedding site. We had the building on Saturday 9a to Sunday 9a, but they called to say that due to the weather we could start setting up on Friday and have all Sunday to take down and clean up. That was awesome news but also bitter sweet because it meant the weather was going to be a challenge.
Sharon and I went to get the keys, then off to pick up the linens and finally off to tan. Sharon had to hit the DSW because she only brought flip flops. She ended up with tennis shoes and I ended up with some new flip flops. Cowboy and Larry went to breakfast and we met back up at the house and loaded both vehicles with all the wedding stuff. We then headed to the location.
Sharon, Larry, Cowboy and I were able to get the table and chairs set up along with the buffet table, dj table, cake table and sign in table. Rain, Rain and lots more rain. The grounds keeper stopped in to talk about snow removal, where to park cars, etc. Again, I wanted to hear but wanted to ignore.
Sharon and I then left to go meet Dr. T, my awesome friend doubling as wedding planner, for a massage and toes and nails. We were late for the massage so we only got a 1/2 hour massage but it was great. My toes and nails were done and again looked fabulous. However, it took a little longer than expected and we had to run home, shower quickly and then head to Dr. T's house for a personal shower.
We were late for my own shower. But hey, I was the guest of honor and everyone understood. The shower was fun. Dr. T did an amazing job. Great food. Good company. We played a little game where everyone wrote down a suggestion to keep the relationship hot and I had to guess who wrote it. Lots of fun and my poor mom, suffered through a little embarrassment. I received some great gift, especially a little lacy thing from Sharon that I'm sure Cowboy would love.
Finally, home for the day. Cowboy and Larry had stopped by a pool hall after setting up and weren't home. As a matter of fact, they didn't get home until 2a. Yes, 2a. And then he proceeded to sing very loudly for the next 45 minutes. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep. Nerves, singing Cowboy, weather, wedding......
More tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wedding Story
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Quick Post
Really quick because I'm sooo tired.
Very little sleep because of nerves.
The weather was awful...Blizzard on March 28th.
Lots of tear because lots of people couldn't make it.
My brother did an outstanding job with the service.
Cowboy was so handsome.
We said our "I do".
I danced until my feet were killing me.
We had a truck full of packing peanuts.
Our wedding night was spent in the "Serengetti".
A perfect day except for the weather.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Last Post as a Single Woman
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My list
Tan- check
Ring cleaned-check
hair piece-check
gifts for bridesmaid and wedding planner-check
new bras-check
new undies-check
caterer called- check
decorations done- check
Well on the way to having everything done for the big day.
Two things I can't control....
Snow in forcast! WTF! Are you serious? Please pray for a sudden warming trend.
That time of the month....seriously. Let's hope it is short and quickly over.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
No Work
Surprisingly work was very calm today. Very few emails and voice mails. The day was pretty smooth. I had a conversation with one of my co-workers and let her know how I felt. It was a good conversation and I'm glad I said something.
Big picture, I don't have to go back to work until April 6th--doesn't that sound like forever away.
I'm thrilled about the upcoming events. I'm so excited to marry the love of my life.
I'm excited!
Monday, March 23, 2009
My feeling were hurt
I'm trying really hard not to upset or angry or bitter. I invited most of my co-workers to the wedding, some because I felt obligated to, even though I didn't want to and others that I really wanted to share the day with me. So I got my first hint of something going on when one of my co-workers told me that she was coming to the wedding but not to the reception because she was going to a concert. Keep in mind, my invitation were out way before the concert tickets went on sale. Then about two days ago, another co-worked same story. And today, a third co-worker said and I quote "I have a problem. I really, really want to go to your reception, but" and I finished by saying "You have concert" tickets. Yep. I lost it and said " That pisses me off." and I walked out.
These are not the co-workers that I didn't want to come. These are ones that I really wanted to share the day with and apparently a concert is more important. Rude. Inconsiderate. Selfish. All kinds of thought run through my head. I had a hard time putting this in a good prespective. I just need to keep in mind the people that will be important to me 10 years from now will be there. My co-workers- well, I'll dream up some form of torture for them.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I didn't want to do it.
Cowboy and I slept in. Actually, Cowboy slept and I finished reading my book. When I got up I gave Cowboy one task, fix my breakfast while I am walking Sadie. After 2 1/2 miles, no breakfast but a tee time. I don't want to play golf. I don't want to do it. Don't you get it, we are getting married in less than a week and I have a million things to do.
But I went and oh boy did I play well. If I hadn't hit a tree on my tee shot on the last hole, two trees on the second shot, the pond on the third shot and a mud hole on the forth shot, I may have beat Cowboy. But I guess the golf gods were not with me today. He only beat my by 4 shots on the whole 18 so, I didn't do to bad.
We came home, got the house cleaned. Cowboy did a good job of spoiling me today so, it made up for losing 4 hours on the golf course.
Can you believe that at this time next week, I will be Mrs. Cowboy. Everyone keeps asking me i I'm nervous. I'm not nervous, I'm excited. So excited. Just six days. Yipee....
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Interesting Night
Thursday night was a "live it up" night for Cowboy. What started off as a day of golf with his one ended as a day of golf, an afternoon of pool and a night of drinking. Lots of drinking. Then more drinking. By the time he got home, he was "lit up". We had belching, bed spinning, animal noises, bumping into walls, and a whole lot more. Thank goodness he doesn't do this but maybe once a year. If he weren't so annoying, he would be entertaining.
A rough Thursday night lead to a quiet Friday night. I worked on..... surprising....wedding stuff.
Today was off to the gym and then the thrill of the weekend. We drove a MiniCooper. I found the one I want. We started talking about trading off the Miata and buying a Mini.....one can only dream. Oh, what a nice dream.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My family made a whirlwind overnight stop at my house. I love having family come and stay. I love the fact that my house is big enough to have an additional 5 people in the house and not feel cramped or feeling like we were falling over each other.
Cowboy was a super trooper. He's not as thrilled about having company in the house. But he grilled pork chops, made brownies, got ice cream and had everything ready for us. He cleaned afterwards and was a great host.
The fam and I played multiple games on the Wii fit. We were up way to late and someone had to go to work this morning. It was a fun evening and I wish they could be here more often. But I'll take what I can get.
Maybe someday, we'll have our own little one running around. One can hope, dream, wish.
9 days until...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
10 Days
Is anyone getting tired of the count down? I have ten days until I am a married woman. I will have a husband. I will be connected for life to someone other than my family. I am so excited. I keep trying to envision how I will feel when I walk down the isle, say my vows and say "I do". I can't fathom what that will feel like.
I have never been more sure of something in my life and at the same time, I can't imagine it changing who we are all that much.
I know that I'm so excited.
10 days until "I do"
10 days
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sadie and I were hanging out in the man's room this morning, when she started barking and wanting to go outside. I got up to see what was going on. We had a visitor. I have seen the deer in the subdivision recently. But not hanging out in our back yard. It was pretty cool to watch her for a couple of minutes. It makes me wonder if she is one of the twins from last summer.
I have started a project in our back yard. Probably a two year project. We have an out of control, overgrown row of bushes. I have been working on my project for a couple hours at a time. It takes about 2 hours to make 5 feet of progress. I was out there for a couple of hours today.
I am tired.
I have to go back to the doctor tomorrow morning. My "cyst" is still there and they will probably have to cut it out. Yuck!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Table Decorations
I have given Cowboy two tasks for the wedding. One was to get the beer and the other was to make the table decorations. I wanted chunks of wood made into candle holders. Him being the woodsman, that assignment was right up his alley. He has put it off and put it off until today. He found the wood at my parents when he went to help my dad a couple of weeks ago. It was perfect. He only had to make 60 candle holders that we will let the guest take home with them. Check out the final product.
We had 60 chunks sitting in our driveway.
Next came the drilling. He said his arm is a little sore from pushing down and holding the drill steady. Small price to pay.
TA-DAH.... I love them. All 60 of them. (He ended up with 70, some to give to the neighbors)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tax Day
Boy does it feel like I got the best of Uncle Sam today. My company got the new stimulus tax plan in place and I got a whopping $21 extra in my paycheck today. I promptly went out and bought dinner at our favorite place, Texas Roadhouse. Yummy
I left work early and headed out to Cowboy's home town to see his accountant to get our taxes done. Uncle Sam show me the money. We pleasantly got more than I was expecting. We talked all the way home on how we were going to spend the money. Bills, vet bills, credit card bill and finally A HONEYMOON! Life is good.
Last year we filed our taxes as married even though we weren't legally married. It was a better outcome for us doing it that way. In KS, as long as you represent yourselves as married, you are considered common law. We laughed about it this year as we are actually getting married in two weeks. I guess you could say we are getting married on our "first anniversary".
Two weeks, can you believe it???
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Look What I Got
Look what I got in the mail today. My mom is so excited about the wedding. She is thrilled that her baby girl is getting married, finally. She told me I had something coming in the mail and look what I got. Glasses for toasting and my knife and cake server. It's beautiful.
I showed Cowboy the new loot and his comments, "Oh, my." He said, "Your mom is so excited, when will it end?" My comment, "When the wedding is over." Cowboy, "Good then we can get back to normal."
Gotta love him.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Work and Wedding
So work has been very trying the past couple of weeks. There has been so much going on that I can't keep up with it all. However, this week things have been better. I have been able to clear several things off my desk and out of my office. It feels really good to get a few things caught up. I have a couple of people leaving work this week. A supervisor moving on and a program manager having a baby so I'll soon have an even fuller plate. One not so good thing, I pissed several people off today. Just told them that if they didn't get their work done in a timely manner, I would write them up. It's not like I haven't tried to get them to get their job done. I need to step up and act instead of babying them along.
On another note, I've been having a lot of wedding dreams lately. Mostly around either people not getting to the ceremony on time, just taking their time to get there, or me not being able to get to the wedding. I'm sure it has to do a little with my control issues. I'm going to have to figure out how to let go of somethings and trust others to help me out. Big deal for me.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wintery Weekends
Our weekdays have been pretty nice. Weather in the 60's with sunshine. Cowboy get has been able to golf weekly. He always tells me the same thing, "Baby, when I'm standing on the first tee box, I'll think of you". So this past weekend, we tried to sneak in a round of golf.
Let me tell you it was cold and windy and rained an inch and half the night before. I wanted to stay in my warm house and snuggle in but I went out. I put on long johns and four layers of clothing. The course we played at has lots of trees and hills. There were a few holes that were cold but surprisingly the rest was tolerable. We actually had a really good time. It was probably the best day we have had playing golf together.
When we got home, I just kept looking at my Cowboy and thinking about how lucky I am to have him in my life. He is really good to me and I'm so fortunate that we enjoy doing so many things together.
19 days until I say I do to him forever.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Long Day
Yesterday was a long day. We went to the gym, out to breakfast, to the driving range, Wal-Mart, pet store and finally tanning. That just wears me out thinking about it. I was tired and thought we were going to be early when we realized that we were losing an hour. That made me even more tired.
Some good news, I was on my Wii fit and found out that I have lost 3 lbs in the past week. I'm going to attribute that to the fit and all those silly games that I have been playing. Last night I tried the yoga and strength training. For a silly game, it sure gives you a work out. I am becoming a good hula-hooper and down hill skier. I'm loving my early wedding gift and I'm quite certain Cowboy is too, since we play every night.
I convinced Cowboy that he needed to get a wedding ring for the day of our wedding. He doesn't want to wear it after we are married. He has a ring of his dad's that he wants to wear. I'm okay with that but I wanted a nicer ring for pictures etc. So off to Wal-Mart for the ring. My budget was $10. We had to splurge and spend a little more. For the whopping price of $15, Cowboy now has a silver band. That's my thrifty guy.
Friday, March 6, 2009
All I can say is T.G.I.F. Tomorrow is Saturday and then I have another day Sunday-two wonderful days all to my self. I did a little yard work today and it felt so good. I would love to spend all my day outside, providing it doesn't rain. Cowboy has already booked us a tee time for Sunday. Yeah, relaxing activities.
I had my sonogram done on that pesky spot under my boob. Nothing to be worried about- some type of cyst "thingy" that needs to get gone. They are trying antibiotics first and then if they don't work, it's getting cut out. Great timing.
Isn't life so fun!
22 days......
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Catch Up
So this week has been absolutely crazy. Work has it's ebbs and flows and this week it is really more than I can handle. My blood pressure feels like it is high, high, high. I've been working late and bringing work home. I just can't seem to get caught up. I have pressure from my boss and then stress related to the economy and managing the fiances at work. Whew, it's overwhelming. I've had to write up staff, not a favorite of mine to do. I need a vacation in the worst way.
On top of that a lump developed under my right breast. I think it's a cyst or an inflamed something or other. I wasn't really to worried about it because I thought I would just watch it and if it was still there next week call the doctor. However, today just happened to be the day for my mammogram. They took 10 boob smashing shots because of that damn lump. I have to go back tomorrow to have it ultrasounded. What a pain in my ass because I'm sure it's nothing. But as Cowboy says, better to get it checked out then have problems later on. He right but still.
Random thought, tomorrow is my original wedding date. If we had stuck with that plan, I would be in Vegas right now and getting married tomorrow. I'm so glad we are waiting to have family around. 23 days and I'm Mrs. Cowboy.
More randomness, Cowboy spent the day with my parents without me. He drove two hours to help my dad for the day and my dad told him how much he enjoyed having him around for the day. I'm thrilled that my parents love him and that he is so good to my parents.
No more Wii talk for awhile, Cowboy is really liking it and suggest we play more than I do. It funny and I love it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
He Bowles
So the Wii has been a big source of debate in our house before it arrived. Cowboy said many times that we didn't need one. It was better to do things than play a silly game. My family grew up playing games, his family grew up working. But guess what happened last night, he bowled with me for over an hour. He just didn't want to stop. And he wants to bowl again tonight.
I came home tonight to a amazing low cal dinner. Fresh veggies and grilled pork chop. Dishes done and house picked up.
He is a keeper. I am so glad he will be my husband in 25 days!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Today was a productive day. My mom was finally able to leave and head back to the farm. It was nice to have her around for a couple of days. Friday when she was here, we were able to see the wedding location. She was there for my final dress fitting. She bought me a garter and a little 'Bride" jacket. She is very excited about the wedding. We also got napkins, table cloths and several other things for the big day.
The best deal of the day was a dress for my bridesmaid. It is perfect. I'm thrilled to find it.
The biggest excitement was an early wedding present from my parents. I should preface this by saying the gift may just be more for me than Cowboy but just the same....We got a Wii. Hip hip hooray. Yippee. Yeah... I'm so excited.
We also got the fit board (my wedding present to me). Cowboy vowed never to play it but did bowl a few games this morning and tried to ski jump with me. We'll see what becomes of it.
Cowboy and I cleaned house like crazy people. We did a top to bottom cleaning of the house. I love a clean house and it's so nice having someone help me clean. The laundry is done. Dishes are done. What a great way to start the week.