The big question lately has been--"So when are you getting married?" Yesterday when we were golfing one of the men we were paired with asked, today a neighbor asked and this weekend, my mom asked. Cowboy is very good at not answering. I'm very good as looking at Cowboy and saying so "when are we getting married?" Cowboy told my mom that when we win the lottery, we would be on a plane to LasVegas and have lots of Elvis impersonators at a wedding. Mom just laughed. I reminded my mother that they have said that they would budget $3000 for a wedding--that was 20 years ago when I was prime marrying age so with inflation they should budget around $10,000. Cowboy commented that would be enough for a motorcycle.
I told Cowboy that we are going to get married. He said "But we're already considered common law married." I replied "I don't have your last name." (Not that I would take it--the jury is out on that one). Cowboy informed me that was just a technicality.
Keep in mind, I'm not a big hurry--but I would like a big ring.
Monday, June 30, 2008
"So When are you getting married?"
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Another Busy Weekend
It was another busy weekend. My mom decided that she would like to come up for the weekend which is great and challenging at the same time. My mother has health and mental health issues so I always have to be more thoughtful and helpful. I love my mother dearly and she does the best she can but there are times that I wish she were healthier than what she is.
I took her out to the blueberry patch. (Check it out at ) I also twisted Caroline's are to have her meet us there. I got to introduce them both to picking blueberry's. It really is a cool thing. Caroline commented that it was a "Little House on the Prairieish". I ended up with 10lbs which will last about a year and goes great in pancakes, muffins, and breads. We have a loaf of blueberry banana nut bread on the counter as I type.
Cowboy was very good to my mother. He gave her the grand tour of all the changes we made to the house. He grilled a great supper for her--even fish just for her. He took us to garage sales with him. He washed and detailed her car. He treats her like he would his mom which is very comforting.
We were able to make it out to the golf course today. It was good to be out playing again. Didn't play to well but just blamed it on the eyes.
My eyes are still not back to normal. They are getting better but not quite back to right. This Friday will be three weeks which is what they advised at the time that they should be healed and I should be seeing normally. I don't have any pain but they do get dry and I have to use eye drops a lot.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Cookie Man
The other night, Cowboy was singing his heart out while he was in the kitchen. I wondered what he was doing, when I went down to the kitchen he was baking cookies. He has never baked cookies in his life. Granted, they were pre-mixed. He was rolling the cookies in perfect little balls and putting them neatly on the cookie sheet. It was the most adorable thing in the world.
This morning as I was leaving for work, he made a comment that wasn't very nice. I blew it off because he's just weird sometimes. About 1/2 hour later, I got a phone call from him apologizing and an email from him apologizing. He has also gave me a big hug and kiss when I got home. Maybe I should blow him off more often.
I got to sit in a Mini-Cooper tonight. I love the Mini's and would trade my Miata in for one in a heartbeat if I could afford it. Cowboy buys and sells things. He bought beautiful beds and resold them to a man with a Mini. When I got home, I jokingly said "Honey, you bought me a Mini. What a great surprise". The man buying the beds laughed and offered to let me sit in the car. I took him up on that. He gave me the key. Almost the biggest mistake of his life, I didn't want to give it back. Maybe someday.....
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Guy Time
Cowboy's buddy came over tonight for a couple of beers. The macho man came out to show himself. "Woman, we need some chips and salsa", "Woman, we need some more beers", and so on and so on. He is so funny when he does that. His buddy just laughed at him. At least this time he added 'please' to most of these statements. I really didn't mind since when my friends were over he waited on us hand and foot.
I'm really tired tonight. I've been putting in a few extra hours at work to get ready for a new computer system. This is one of those times that work gets to me. I love my job but there are days that I would give it away and be a little 'worker bee', instead of the "Queen Bee".
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
And the Next Moment
So one moment, I'm complaining about date night at LJS and then look what my wonderful man has done for me. I had a fish pond at my old house and was sad to leave it behind. Now I have one at this house. What an awesome guy!! He may not say sweet nothings often but he does show me love in so many different ways. He has actually done a few more things to the pond after this picture. The pond looks awesome.
Cowboy has taken to calling me Fifi, so he now has a new name, Hank. He comes up with the silliest things. Where in the world would Fifi come from?? He's downstairs right now, singing at the top of his lungs.
Today was a hard day. I came home and told him that I didn't have a good day--so he went for a walk with me and has been very kind. I do love this man.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Date Night
We have been planning for a week to have a date night. We were originally going to go out on Friday night but Cowboy ended up golfing so we moved it to Sunday night. We had movie passes but couldn't find a movie to go to. Cowboy found Unforgiven on the TV so stayed at home and watched his western. He had a good day today and decided to take me out to Long John Silvers and then to Dairy Queen. (We had a coupon for blizzards.) When we got home, he said "There I got date night out of the way. I hope you enjoyed it honey".
What a great romantic man!?!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
A Low Key Weekend
It truly was a low key weekend for us. We didn't have a lot planned. It's usually golf time but we'll just wait for next weekend. Saturday night was our neighborhood association ice cream social. It was really the first time Cowboy and I were at that type of gathering and got to meet several of our neighbors. I love being at social events and so does Cowboy, although he protest a lot before he gets there. We were the last to leave. One of our neighbors came over later for a few beers. We sat out on our back deck and enjoyed the evening. I can't express often enough how much I love our new house and neighborhood. I thought I would have a hard time leaving my old house behind, since it was the first house I owned and bought all by myself. But I don't miss it at all.
Cowboy had a few redeeming moments this weekend and a few "I could kill him" moments. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this or not but he is very particular. Everything has to be in it's place or done the way he would have done it. Which is great, because our house is orderly and clean. But sometimes it gets on my nerves. Last night while we were waiting on our neighbor to come over, he started in on the grilling utensils and the grill cover. He'll say, "Baby, you should have taken in the grilling utensils when you were done" and " next time you take off the grill cover, undo the Velcro." Really, I did live by myself for 20 years before he came into the picture and I can do all that stuff myself. I told him I was done with him and he needed to go in the house. I enjoyed my beer for a long time, by myself. Finally, I texted him. (I know, he was just in the house) I told him I was done being done and asked him to come outside. Crazy us.
He did verbally compliment me on my grilling and the homemade potato salad. We might be getting somewhere.
Today, Caroline dropped off Sophie. She is a great dog and has kept Sadie company all day. She walks around and just watches me. I'm sure she has seen a few new things today. I busted out the sewing machine--I know Caroline doesn't have one of those at her house. Sophie is going to go home a cultured dog.
This morning for about 10 minutes I could see perfectly. It's a good start. Maybe tomorrow morning the eyes will be back to normal. Let's cross our fingers.
I got stung by a wasp this morning trying to be neighborly. We have several islands in the neighborhood that needed mowed and trimmed. I was cutting some brush and out of no where, I got stung on my right forearm. M***er F***er that hurt. All I could do was cuss. Cowboy didn't give me a lot of sympathy. He just recounted every story about the times that he was stung. He said my arm would be sore and tonight it sure is. I think I'm falling apart at the young age of 43.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Caroline has been bugging me forever to teach her how to sew on a button. She came over on Thursday night and we had a little sewing lesson. Ironically, she was telling a story about how she made step by step instructions for a co-worker on a computer program. I guess everyone has their strengths, sewing is not one of Caroline's. I told her that I would get her to the point where she can make her own clothes. (That is if there is enough time left in the world..ha ha)
Keep in mind, during the lesson, I still can't see well. We had to go step by step, from threading the needle to how to determine the top from the bottom of the button and so on. She did well, so I sent her home with her own sewing kit. I told her she had to work up to one my size. (Hers is the zip lock.) Notice the button she sewed on the piece of fabric, a treasure for sure.
Update on the eyes, they are getting better but as of today, I'm still not seeing clearly. It's like having bad eyesight and only having one contact in. I'm ready for this to be over. The doctor assures me that I am doing well.
Yesterday, we had a company bowling party. I wasn't sure if I would be able to bowl. I was able to bowl, I just couldn't see the score. We had a tournament and the team I was on won first place. So I guess I wasn't handicapped to much. We did win $50. I did drive to work. You don't realize how much freedom you have when you can drive. It was a little anxiety provoking but I made it fine. I think golf is out of the questions for the weekend.
Progress with Cowboy--I brought him coffee this morning..He said, "Thank you, you're a sweetheart". I about fell down the stairs! It's a start on the verbal compliments.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Take me out to the Ball game
I got free tickets to the Double AA team in town, so Cowboy and I along with another couple went out last night. Yeah, finally I'm out of the house, somewhere other than work. I couldn't really see the ball but could see enough to know what was happening. I had heard that it was a fun place to go and I couldn't agree more. The tickets were free and the hot dogs were a $1, life couldn't get better.
I woke up this morning convinced that I was driving myself to work. Cowboy put the breaks on that. I had a lot of different appointments and had to go to the doctor and then across town for a meeting. Gas is expensive--I reasoned. He said, "I'm driving you, Ms. Daisy" and off we went. He took me to my eye doctor's appt. where I got the nasty band aid contacts out of my eyes and low and behold---I still can't see. The doctor said my eyes are doing well but it will still take a couple of more days for my vision to dial in. Dammit, I want instant results--just another difference from Lasik. I'm thinking golf is out for this weekend. However, I am driving tomorrow. Everyone says--"But you can't see" to which I reply, "I can see, just not clearly".
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Easy on the Eyes
The eyes are doing much better. I didn't have to use the "eye candy" (ie. pain cocktail for post PRK surgery). I still can't see much. This made it a little difficult to see the other "eye candy", Tim McGraw. He was in concert last night and we had side of stage seats so I could see a little. He apparently was wearing an orange sleeveless t-shirt but according to my vision, he was shirtless all night long. Which was really okay with me and I thought it was kind of him to give me that view.
I'm still being driven around, just like driving Ms. Daisy. I can't wait til I gain all my freedom back. Cowboy says that if I can't see clearly this weekend, he going to feel bad leaving me home again while he plays golf. Gee, thanks. I get the "bandage" contacts out tomorrow and the doctor said that my vision should be much better after that and over the next three weeks, it will finish improving. I will have to take a steroid eye drop for the next month. Oh, the fun of it all. I'm so tired of putting drops in my eyes. Cowboy said it was good that I can do that without help, he could manage the drop routine.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Latest on the eyes
I can't sit at the computer long so time for just a quick update. I would have Lasik 10x before I would do PRK again. The recovery is more intense. Yesterday and this morning were bad. Thank the good Lord and the inventor of the Pain Cocktail. I woke up about 3a and in the whiniest voice that has escaped from my body in 20 years, I asked for a cold rag for my eyes, Ibuprofen and pain drops. Cowboy was a real trooper. I am usually not high maintenance but I know I was last night and this morning. Cowboy took me to the doctor this morning, the healing is on track and in two more days I should be able to see and be better....more blogging then.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Latest
Let me start by saying, I am incredibly bored. I am not a good take it easy patient. I don't feel bad but my eyes are sensitive and not right. I think Sadie is with me on this one. I have been outside a couple of times with her but I can't stay out to long. My eyes don't do well with the bright sun. They have been pretty manageable until this evening. They feel like a whole dump truck of gravel is in them. I've finally moved to my "pain cocktail". Those drops are nice. The doctor advised the tears first and if they don't work move to the cocktail. The cocktail slows the healing process. I've only used it 3 times so far, not to bad. I'm tired of drops. Below are the drops that I have to put in my eyes. I'm tired of drops but I want the best outcome so I'm doing them faithfully.
Here are the eye shields that I have to tape to my face every night until Wednesday. Cowboy says I look like a fly. The tape leaves a gooey film on my face. I remember that from my Lasik. I'm sure I look like a sexy babe with those on. Cowboy has been very good today. He took me shopping for a Father's Day present for my dad. He's out golfing. His buddy works at the nicest course in town so they are playing for free. I would like to be playing but golf is out for me until next weekend.
I can't sit at the computer long, my eyes water and hurt. The cocktail drops are making it possible now. I hope this is as bad as it gets, however, they say the worst is the 3rd and 4th days. Wish me luck.
Quick Update
Just a quick update. Thanks for the well wishes. The surgery went well. It was very different than the Lasik I had 8 years ago. During PRK, the scrape off the top layer of your eye and laser thru the top layer. Then they put on a "bandage" contact. I'm on a variety of eye drops. 1- every hour, 2- 4x a day, 1- for pain as needed, and then regular tear drops. I've only had to use the pain drop once. I went back to the doctor this morning. So far, good. They said more of the pain may be coming as the eyes heal. I'm very sensitive to sunlight. And for sure, not a good patient.
Cowboy has been great. We had a little talk the other morning. Hopefully, he heard some of what I had to say. He has been very helpful yesterday and today.
Gotta go rest the eyes. Stating to get a little watery.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A challenging week
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Baby J Day
Today was a big day. Papa (because we don't use the word grandpa) had the baby almost the whole day. Baby J came around 11a and was with us until around 8p. Mom and Dad had a little time away. This was the baby's first time away from his parents. Papa did well today. Of course, I got a little time in when I got home.
More tomorrow...I'm tired tonight.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
He surprises me
So I bitch and moan about Cowboy and then he turns around and surprises me. Cowboy has almost put in our fish pond which is no small feat. He had to build a retaining wall and then dig out the pond area. He did a lot today. (pics tomorrow) Then he grilled dinner for Caroline and I. What a guy! See what I mean about how he shows me he loves me. We are going to start on the complimenting part today. I'll keep you update.
Just a really cute story. Sadie is awesome with little kids. Whenever we are walking, they all want to pet her. Caroline and I went for a 4 mile walk and on the way back to the house, we approached two women and three kids. Two of the kids couldn't have been more than 3 years old. They were very excited to pet Sadie. So I asked if they wanted to pet her and made her sit. They were petting and I had them feel her ears which feel like silk. Sadie then moved her head towards one of the little ones to lick him which made him back away. I explained to him that she was trying to give him a kiss. About that time, Sadie stood up. The little boy went up to Sadie and put his hands on her hips and laid his head on her back as to give her a hug. It was so adorable. Sadie proves once again what a great dog she is.
First day of the new life change plan.--up at 6p for treadmill and sit-ups. Healthy eating all day. Walking for 1 hr tonight. Now just need to repeat one hundred million days. Wish me luck.
Monday, June 9, 2008
To Golf or Not to Golf
With the weekend behind us, Cowboy told me to hurry on home so we could get a little exercise in and play golf. There is a par 3 course that has 9 holes and you can play it a second time for $1 more. So when I got home, we headed out for the course. I played horribly. Have I really been playing for 8 years? You couldn't tell it by my game tonight. Finally, about the last 3 holes, I was doing better. We were going to play a second round when the whole town showed up to play. We packed it in and went home. Not a good night for us. Cowboy was upset that we only played 9 holes. I was upset because I didn't do well. We stayed in opposite ends of the house.
Sadie and I did have a good walk. I love walking with her. It's like no matter how many times we go around the block, it's like the first time all over.
I was thinking about Cowboy. He is not good at giving compliments. I think I'm going to start working with him on this. I'm going to teach him the "Art of a Compliment". It's hard to complain since he does so many other things for me. I just noticed that he set up my treadmill, after I motioned it one time. He does so many things for me, it would just be nice to hear how much he loves and appreciates me in words.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Our Golf weekend
The golf weekend is behind us. What started out to be such a promising weekend didn't turn out like either of us expected. We left early and stopped in the very small town of Florence to eat at a little Ma and Pop shop. Ironically, it was named Town and Country. When I was in high school, I worked at a Town and Country. Small town cafe that held 36 patrons, the cook and me. I did everything but cook. The food at this Town and Country was good. Then it was off to Newton for a round of golf.
Sand Creek Station is a beautiful course. It was named the 2nd best public course in KS. We got there early. The day was beautiful with the exception of the 40 mph winds. But hey, it was a weekend away and golf was in the plan. We checked in and they told us we could start early. We made it to the tee box and the foursome in front of us had teed off but was going to let us play through. Cowboy stepped up to the tee box and hit a beautiful drive. I was next and smacked one down the center of the fairway, longer than the 4 men and past Cowboy's drive. Not bad to start out. We both parred the hole. Then the wheels fell off and the day went to shit! It was so windy and it's a challenging course. Cowboy got all wound up and never calmed down enough to have fun. When he is in a pissy mood, he's really not all that fun. The crazy thing is he shot a 43 on the front 9 which millions of people in this world will never be able to do that.
Here was one of his best shots for a birdie on this hole. The day was so bad that at one point, I wouldn't even talk to him. He started to regain control of his attitude. He asked me if I would still be his buddy, I told him I needed a couple of more holes before I would. It was pretty miserable playing in the awful wind and with his awful attitude.
Here is a picture of the drive home on Sunday. The wind is blowing the topsoil off the field. We cancelled our tee time for Sunday. Neither of us wanted to go through that experience again. The whole weekend wasn't lost. We met a college friend of mine and her husband out for dinner and then we went to a bar for more drinks. We had a blast. Cowboy ended up drinking to much, playing pool and singing Karaoke. Another plus, our hotel was nice.
I guess for me, the weekend was about getting away and being together. If I had played the worst golf of my life, I still would have been happy to get away.
Cowboy has apologized several times and says he wishes he wouldn't get so down on himself. I wish he would figure out how to relax and let go of his intensity and frustration. When he is relaxed, he plays much better. I will say that we were smart enough to not play today. We both know our limits!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Girls Night
I had three of my friends over tonight. I have been a neglectful friend and sent an email out several weeks ago saying I had fallen off the face of the earth and wanted to get back on. I invited them over for dinner and they arrived tonight. Cowboy had the yard all mowed, the vehicles all washed and waxed, and the house all picked up. I was the first time these three friends had been over to the house.
It was so good to re-connect with them and catch up on all the things happening in their life. I need to do a better job of staying in touch. I always promised myself that if I ever got married, I wouldn't forget my friends. I think I'm on my way to being that person that I didn't want to be so I'm going to really work on this.
I'm pretty excited. We leave tomorrow for our weekend plans. Great golf and a weekend away. YEAH!!!!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Best Friend
My best friend is coming to see me. My best friend is coming to see me. Can you tell, I'm excited. It won't be for a month but I'll be counting down the days. Sherry lives in Florida and has twins and a little one. I love being with the "girls". Cowboy said he was going to take a trip when they were here. Spoil sport.
Actually, I have learned one thing about him. It's one thing that I wish I could change but since I can't I have learned what I need to do. Whenever I talk with him about someone coming to stay and he's not warmed up to the idea, he begins to act like a brat and throw a fit. Last night when I told him Sherry was visiting, it was a million questions. He was just grumpy about it. This morning, it was like he was a different person about it. He is supportive of the idea, plans on sticking around, wants to help with plans, etc. Where did grumpy butt go? I'm glad he can turn it around but dealing with him until he turns it around is not fun. My plan--stay calm, bide my time and then it will be fine. He's usually supportive of what I want to do.
Tomorrow night is girls night at the house. I've not been a good friend and haven't keep in touch with many of my friends in the past 6 months. I invited three friends over for dinner tomorrow night. I'm glad they are coming, it will be good to catch up.
My first start to the diet plan- pay attention to when I'm really hungry and when I'm really full. Walk, walk and walk more.
One other thought--Cowboy is reconsidering letting Sadie sleep on the bed. After months of fighting with her about being on the beds, he's thinking about letting her get on the spare bed with her blanket on the bedspread. The windows look out the front of the house and she can see everything from the bed. We'll see how this goes.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Weekend Away
We have been talking about getting away for a weekend. With my upcoming surgery, Cowboy decided that he would make the plans. We aren't going that far away but we have tee times for Saturday and Sunday and a hotel room for Saturday night. We don't get do that very often and I'm the one that usually makes the plans. I was pleased the Cowboy took over and arranged everything. He surprises me sometimes.
Okay, so something is going on and I can't seem to figure out what it is. I have never weighed this much in my entire life and I would really like to lose about 30 lbs but I don't seem to be motivated enough do make any changes. I'm trying to figure out what it is about diet that I don't want to change. I hate the way my clothes fit. I hate that I have cute summer things in my closet that I can't get into. I hate that I feel slow. I hate that my feet hurt more than they used to. I hate that my waist is as round as my butt (that's round). I can't stand looking at myself naked in the mirror. And yet, all I do is talk about losing weight and don't do anything about making a change.
I really need to start looking for the underlying issue. You would think that being a therapist, I would have insight into my own behavior. I guess not. I've got work to do and I need to start yesterday. UGH
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
"Hail" to Sadie
Tonight around 7p it started storming. We had close lightening and thunder. Along with this we got a little hail. When this happens, who know were we will find Sadie. Tonight, it was my closet. Poor baby, she hates storms.
Fill 'er up
Back to the real world. I really wanted to play hookie one more day. I had to go in early for a board meeting and typically for me, I needed to get gas in the car. I don't know why I didn't do it the other that left me in a dress and needing gas. Cowboy got the car out of the garage and brought it to the front of the house. He told me he emptied the lawnmower gas in the car, so I would not have to stop on my way to work. AAAHHHH He is a thinker and I greatly appreciated how he took care of me this morning.
Sadie is feeling much better. She was sacked out last night after our walk. She is back to eating normally (for her) and waking me up at 5:30a. I don't think she is particularly enjoying this humid, sticky weather, nor am I. I'm thinking about jumping into a tub of cold water. Partially self-inflicted since I refuse to turn on the AC.
Cowboy is off playing golf. He got a tee time for 2p at a really nice course for $11, I'm jealous but don't blame him for playing at that price. I think I'll surprise him with dinner tonight, that is the least that I can do for him since he does so much for me.
I love that man!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Day Playing Hookie
I played hookie today.....hehehehe I hardly ever do that but since jury duty was cancelled, I didn't feel so bad. We had a tee time set for 10:15a at a very nice course. We slept in, yes, until 8:30a. Then off to play golf. However, a big storm rolled thru and we were rained out, more like lightening striked out. We went out for breakfast. I came home and took a nap and then we went to Cowboy's daughters house to spoil the baby for 4 hours. I could so used to sitting around and holding a (my) baby. Maybe someday. Cowboy and I talk about it alot but neither of us make any concrete moves towards babydom.
The highlight of the day was a fried chicken dinner that Cowboy made complete with all the trimmings. Did I mention that I need to lose weight before the big 25th class reunion. With meals like that, it just ain't gonna happen. My new scale isn't magically taking off any pounds. I may have to take the scale back unless it starts behaving at it was intended to. Of course, we don't want to factor into the equation Cowboy's cooking.
It was a good day!
PS. I have to play hookie again soon to cash in on our rain check for golf.